Among various academic subjects that students study in their elementary, secondary, and senior secondary classes, maths is an important one for all. With active maths performers, some students struggle with maths.
They suffer from low maths understanding and exam scores. However, by following the right learning strategies, students can work to enhance their poor maths performance scores. Let us discuss some tips that students can follow to enhance their maths classroom performance and exam scores respectively.
Tips for students to enhance maths class performance
1. Stay attentive
For students who suffer from low maths performance, the main reason behind this is poor attention and concentration problems in the class. When students are less concentrated in the class, they break the flow of learning. The maths topics are interlinked and poor listening leads to poor understanding. To overcome this problem, students must work on their concentration power. Be disciplined, stay attentive and listen to the teachers properly.
2. Self-study regularly
Maths is a subject that demands constant effort and practice. Students who don’t practice maths by themselves face low performance in this subject and this affects their overall progress too. To avoid this further happening with you, make the right changes in your learning ways. Stop being dependent fully on classroom learning and start self-studying every day.
3. Stop feeling bad and change for the good
Poor maths performance affects the mental and emotional well-being of students. They become less confident, self-doubt their potential, and feel demotivated. All these negative thoughts must be avoided. Facing difficulties and failures during maths learning is common, so stop thinking and feeling bad about yourself. Instead of this, see where you lagged, and how you can overcome the mistakes. Discuss with the teachers or your maths topper friends the way they practice maths. Critically analyze and make necessary changes in your maths study patterns too.
4. Have formulas learned on fingertips
When students are not able to solve the maths questions, and simplifications correctly, they get low scores, grades, and poor participation in the class. To overcome this issue, students must try to memorize formulas effectively. Learning the huge chunks of formulas altogether is not possible. So keep your classroom learning and self-studies go hand in hand. The formulas that are taught in a particular class, the same day you should learn and revise them at home.
5. Use technology
Understanding the applicative maths topics from textbooks can be difficult for students. To overcome this problem, using technology helps. By using an online mobile teacher app, students can access several audiovisual tools like educational videos, modules, demonstrations, picture cards, PowerPoint presentations, and more. With the help of visualization, students tend to understand the concepts better and quicker. For interesting practice sessions, students can access online quizzes, puzzles, and riddles via maths educational sites too.
Enhance maths exam performance: tips for students
● Time management
Whether appearing for the maths exam via an online classroom app or pen-paper mode, time management is of utmost importance. Divide the available time in the right way. Don’t get stuck on any questions. Keep a track of time and try to answer the maximum number of questions possible.
● Read the questions properly
In many cases, the questions ask something else, and students do it in the wrong way. Or sometimes students note down the wrong values from the paper and solve them incorrectly. All this happens because of poor reading. To prevent this from happening to you, make sure you are attentive and read the questions carefully. Properly read the question asked, analyze it, think of the appropriate formula or procedure, and start doing it correctly.
● Recheck the answers derived
To score well in your maths exam, revision is very important. Many times, when students are in a hurry to wind up the paper or face stress, making calculation errors are common. This can affect the exam scores of students. To avoid this happening with you, make sure you recheck and revise all the answers. Follow a suitable exam attempting strategy and you should make out at least ten to fifteen minutes for having a recap of the whole paper. Go through the solutions one by one and make necessary corrections wherever required.
With the lack of applicative skills, maths has become difficult for many students. They find dealing with facts, figures, and simplifications complicated because of which they suffer from low maths performance. However, by following the above-mentioned tips, students can enhance their maths classroom performance. We also discussed a few tips that students can follow to improve their scores and grades for maths exams.